Saturday, December 11, 2010

breaking up with it possible?

Could it be possible to close the laptops and stuff our iphones, androids, ipads and blackberry torches under our pillows this Christmas. Or will it be easier to give into the consumption closely tied with this season and upgrade cell phone plans, switch to new dizzying facebook layouts and continue with technology co-dependency? Is it possible to break up with facebook, twitter, and the hundreds of technological contraptions both virtual and physical-- for a couple of days, weeks, maybe, to focus on human to human relationships and spend more time with loved ones, than addicting devices? Recently, I decided to reduce my time on the internet by 50%. Initially, I went for an "internet free" day, but I had to log onto my email due to work responsibilities. Needless to say, I took full advantage since I was already online. It wasn't too long before I spent hours on mindless internet searches. A month ago, I decided to be cell phone free, which isn't saying much because I don't have a techno-savy phone. I would be lying if I said I'm not anxious to pay my cell phone bill, and re-connect to the madness of texting on a filp phone. (you might as well call me a mummy) I have to say, switching the "off" button on my cell phone, was a radical move. Between wide-eyed looks and disbelief, many friends were horrified they couldn't reach me. (I'm sorta popular like that) In the end, I'm glad I did it and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to break up with something (single or not.) Its empowering. My next project might just be to sell my lap top. I'm kidding. As an aspiring filmaker, my livelihood may rely entirely on my laptop. Some people learn the trade by self-teaching with youtube videos. Other filmakers have gained a following through websites like vimeo, a website many prefer to youtube. Besides, so much information linked to health and overall well being, and financial success is on the internet. To show just how much I rely on the internet, I applied to a master's program online, paper free. It was seamless. To think that my academic future relies on an online connection is mind-bending. I'm thinking breaking up with technology might be close to impossible. I do think, however, that I can increase the space between myself and my devices. I'm not trying to brag (well yes I am) but my new goal for 2011 is to stay off facebook until my birthday on June 25, 2011. As revolutionary as that sounds, more and more people are claiming their space. I didn't hear from my best friend for 24 hours, it felt like ten days. When she re-emerged from the sand dunes, she revealed that she was taking a "techno-break." If everyone broke up with technology at the same time we might end up in bedlam. Let's instead, assert some space between us and our be-loved gimmicks. As well as those websites that virtually connect us to our actual friends, family, and relatives. May real-life and real-time human to human connectivity abound this Christmas and beyond!

1 comment:

  1. I so so so hear this linda.
    este, te voy a tener que ir a ver...

    verdad, that's the plan with all the breaking up of the gadgets ...

    Love ya
