everything that my friend Jesus does is so on purpose. nothing is serendipitous, although it may seem like that to the human mind. words like "serendipitous" are usually invented so as to better digest the supernatural. God truly takes care of the sheep. and who are the sheep? we are all the sheep. no one stands alone. we need to be in relationship to survive as humans. i learned the other day that even the smallest particle (of life) refuses to seperate. meaning a molecule comes in a pair, and that is life.
i was walking home last night and ran into my roomate, a person who i consider so sincere, a bulldozer hidden behind a sweet smile. she told me she had gone to a retreat with her church and read the interaction between Peter and Jesus when Jesus asked Peter (3xs) Peter do you love me? Y said that at first she found that Jesus was doubting Peter, why else would He ask him three times? an interesting insight i had not heard before.
Y restled with what she felt Jesus to be questioning and cornering Peter. Y saw Jesus as "being mean" for askign Peter the same question so many times. troubled, she went to knock on a nuns door seeking an explanation. the nun told her, actually Jesus asked three times, because He really loved Peter. And He knew Peter would get frustrated but He was willing to sit in that discomfort. Jesus and Peter were best friends, and even then Peter denied Jesus. When Jesus saw Peter face to face, He questioned. But how I read the story, is presence.
Jesus was willing to approach a friend who had literally killed him, denied him, did not stand up for him, and Jesus goes up to him and I imagine He smiled and said, "hi" and they both knew. But Jesus was willing to challenge to and say "do you love me?" even though he already knew the answer to the question. amazing. stuff. in short. i'm in love with Jesus.
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