Friday, April 26, 2013

creative tension

i feel stuck between the tension of creating and laziness. i don't think this is uncommon for many artist. but i've gotten quite the case lately. i've ignored my desire to write, to fotograph, to create. i asked my friend to help me write a movie script and he said, "i'm not feeling creative right now" i felt sad. he named a reality for himself that i did not want to name for myself. i have aspirations but my follow through is incredibly inconsistent.

i consider teaching to be an art. but setting aside time to work on my art regularly is radically different than teaching my young people how to take pictures or how to write. i also need to be embedded in my own practice. today, i dwell on reflecting not only what i can do, but how i can do it. my coach and i have been working on creating a plan for the future. she's suggested i create a step by step plan. i will. ahora. now. time. do. did. ciao.

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