Thursday, October 4, 2012


so far as i know, atleast three people pray for me regularly. that alone is an act of God Theyself. if i could ask for a prayer request tonight. i'd humbly ask that God rid me of this haunting spirit of perfection. most of the time i wish i was perfect. life would be much easier, in the perfect world i envision. its filled with lots of sun, fresh fruit, boats, and a guitar. also, i don't make a single mistake in my writing, it comes out perfect. every word, every syntactic mechanism that seduces your eye and strokes your mental clitoris. then, i remember, that the pain, the suffering, the beauty of life, that i have experienced was birthed in my imperfection, little sun, almost no food, and with no music. the absence of what i consider to be complete, or prefect, eventually blossoms into learning, new insights, a re-discovery of joy, and above all clarity. we're constantly seeking, to occupy, to consume, to use, to act, to think, to be-- all the wing-women of perfection. we are corrected for being wrong, so we try harder, and better. what if we allowed something else to try for us? Someone, not something, that has meant to do it all along. to ride the wave our imperfections for us, fixing our kinks, to make that imperfect work, perfect with Them? do you hear the call? to be lost in your imperfection? stop fighting. stop thinking what if. get on the paddle of imperfection. get your stick, and let the sea beneath your toes, move for you.



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